Choosing a Raccoon Removal Company
Sometimes the best and easiest way to remove a raccoon or exclude it from your property is to hire a company to do it for you. Wildlife removal companies are not well monitored or licensed, so it is up to you to ask questions about a company’s practices before hiring them.
A good wildlife removal company should:
Provide a customized plan of action and a firm price estimate before you are required to commit
Focus on long-term solutions, such as fixing potential entry points (as opposed to simply removing raccoons)
Guarantee their work (for at least one year)
Know about raccoon behaviour, such as when babies are born and where raccoons are likely to gain entry to a building.
Use only humane live traps (cage traps) or one-way doors to remove animals (rather than leg-hold traps or other harmful capture devices)
Physically check the space for babies, no matter the time of year
Release any live-trapped animals on-site. Never hire a company that moves raccoons to a new location as this is illegal and harmful to the animals. Instead, they should remove raccoons from the den space and seal the hole to prevent return.
Another Look at the “Humane” Alternative
Thousands of raccoons call our city home. Sometimes we don’t think about our wild neighbours until there is a problem: a squabble over who gets the garden vegetables, or an uninvited tenant taking up residence in the roof. While raccoons are only trying to meet their basic food and shelter needs, these conflicts can be very frustrating for homeowners
So why not trap the raccoons and move them somewhere else?
Contrary to popular belief, live-trapping a raccoon and relocating it is not a good way to solve the problem. While trapping may seem like a humane option, it often ends in a death sentence for the animal and leaves your property vulnerable to ongoing wildlife conflicts
There’s no place like home
Many people think that a raccoon can survive anywhere. You may even think that moving a raccoon from an urban backyard to a ravine, park, or forest will help them, since these spaces seem more “natural.” But the truth is, raccoons have specific home ranges where they are adapted to living.

Raccoon Wildlife Pest Control Removal Service
Although they might seem furry and nice, the raccoon can be considered a nuisance animal to families & businesses. Raccoons dig through your garbage cans, can steal fish from your pond and food from your garden, and have public health concerns such as carrying rabies and transmitting diseases to humans and pets. Not only this, but raccoons can also get into your home and make it their own, causing structural damage such as chewed electrical wires and insulation.
Raccoons are not known to be aggressive animals unless they feel threatened. This means curious pets or children could potentially upset a raccoon, making them a dangerous wildlife animal to be dwelling around your property
Continue reading to learn additional information about what attracts raccoons to your yard and control tips on how to effectively manage a raccoon infestation
All N One Pest Eliminators makes it easy to get started with our Racoon Pest Control Removal Services by starting with a Free Wildlife Animal Inspection and Estimate for both Residential & Commercial Customers.
A raccoon’s main goal is to find food, shelter, and other resources. This means they will tear through anything in order to achieve their goal. Raccoons can cause structural damage to insulation, electrical wiring, wood, walls, and more. They can also rummage through a vegetable garden in search of food. These signs can indicate that a raccoon has invaded your home or yard
How to Get Rid of Raccoons: Removal Methods
Raccoons in the wild may not pose a problem, but when they decide to hang out at your place it can be a different story. These mammals can carry canine distemper, which can be hazardous to unvaccinated dogs, and rabies, which can be transmitted to people or other animals. Moreover, their feces often contain the eggs of Baylisascaris procynis, which is a type of roundworm that can be extremely harmful to people. Getting rid of raccoons and their droppings is not always easy, but there are several methods of raccoon removal that can be employed.
How to get rid of a raccoon
Raccoons are protected under state law in most cases, and are classified as furbearers, meaning a license or permit is required to trap or hunt them. Because of this, how to kill a raccoon legally will vary from state to state, and is a job best left to professionals. As with many types of nuisance animals and pests, the best way to get rid of raccoons is to not invite them in in the first place. Removing their food sources and making your environment less friendly should also encourage any raccoons that are there to move along. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation recommends the following methods for raccoon control.
How to get rid of raccoon poop
Groups of raccoons pick one spot to be the communal defecation area, often referred to as a raccoon latrine. This can pose a problem if that spot happens to be located in your yard, because of the roundworm eggs often carried in raccoon poop. The roundworm’s effect on people can vary from no symptoms at all to severe issues with the eyes or nervous system. This parasite is primarily contracted when people come into contact with raccoon feces or accidentally ingest water or soil that has been contaminated by it. Raccoon feces have a strong scent, and are usually dark in color and shaped like a tube. Common latrine sites include decks and patios, attics or garages, near the base of trees and large rocks or woodpiles. A Centers for Disease Control factsheet on raccoon latrines advocates these methods for cleanup.
“Take care to avoid contaminating hands and clothes. Wear disposable gloves. Wear rubber boots that can be scrubbed or cover your shoes with disposable booties that can be thrown away, so that you do not bring eggs into your household. Wear a N95-rated respirator (available at local hardware stores) if working in a confined space to prevent accidental ingestion of eggs or other harmful materials. … [Outdoors] Feces and material contaminated with raccoon feces should be removed (using a shovel or inverted plastic bag) and burned, buried, or bagged and placed in the trash to be sent to a landfill. Most chemicals do not kill roundworm eggs, but heat will kill the eggs instantly. Treat feces-soiled decks, patios, and other surfaces with boiling water or a propane torch.** Disinfect hard, smooth surfaces (including shovel blades) with boiling water. To help further reduce the risk of possible infection, wash your hands well with soap and warm running water. Clean/launder your clothes thoroughly using hot water and detergent.”
When prevention fails
If preventative measures do not work, there are a number of traps available for raccoon removal. However, traps often require a permit, and measures must then be taken to release the animals in a safe, unpopulated area. It is usually best to call in a professional when raccoons have invaded your home. Get rid of raccoons the right way – by calling Terminix®. They offer wildlife control plans to help you remove raccoons and keep them out.
Raccoon Removal
Prevent Damage to Your Home
Raccoons are sometimes affectionately known as trash pandas due to their miniature, cute, and panda-like appearance. But don’t be fooled, while they look cute and cuddly, they can be aggressive, dangerous, and tough to get rid of. This is especially true if they have been in your home a while without you knowing. If you discover that you have raccoons lingering around your home or are already established on your property
these are all signs a raccoon has taken up residence in your home, and raccoons are tenants you do not want.
While we may think of raccoons as pests that live in the woods nearby, it’s common for raccoons to live inside houses. Raccoons may be cute, but they can cause thousands of dollars of damage to your home and yard. It’s stunning when you see all the places raccoons can get into. They can ruin insulation, ventilation, and electrical systems and female raccoons will often choose crawl spaces, attics, or chimneys to birth their young.
Hiring an expert in removal is strongly recommended, as these animals are elusive and hard to remove once they are established in a structure.
Raccoons can live 2 to 3 years and are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and meat so they love getting into our garbage. They are also mammals and will seek warmer environments when it gets cold outside. This is when our homes are most vulnerable to invasion. Soffit runs are the most common entry point. Raccoons can also gain entry through crawl spaces, gable vents, and plumbing voids. Homeowners should have their homes inspected often to help prevent problems like wildlife entry.

If you own a home or business in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, or Delaware, protecting it from pests is an important part of maintenance. Some animals like raccoons can be harmful to people and property. Raccoons are dangerous to pets, damaging to buildings, and they can injure humans or make them sick by exposure to feces, urine, or saliva or by raccoon scratches and bites. To protect your home or business from raccoons, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What Are Raccoons?
Raccoons are medium-sized nocturnal mammals known for their dexterous front paws and mask-like eye coloring. Raccoons originate mostly from forests but have adapted to other natural habitats and urban areas, such as near homes and businesses in Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. These pests are known to invade garbage, steal pet food, and even make nests inside attics. Wildlife control experts explain raccoons are considered a rabies-vector species because they can carry and spread rabies, so it’s especially important to protect your pets, family, employees, and customers from them.
How Do I Identify Raccoons?
Raccoons are easy to identify by their black eye coloring. These animals are bigger than common house cats and about the size of small to medium-sized dogs. Their fur is grayish and consists largely of a thick undercoat. Raccoons have long tails that are often striped with dark rings.
How Do I Get Raccoons?
In New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, raccoons are common. Sometimes they live in the wilderness and are driven toward urban areas in the winter. The wildlife control experts at Viking Pest explain raccoons look for food sources and may also look to your home or business for shelter or a place to bear young. The shelter that they may seek in your home or building could include an attic, wall, chimney, or crawl space.
What Are the Effects of Raccoons in and Around My Home or Business?
Raccoons can be quite a nuisance around your home or place of business. Not only do they raid and tip over trash cans, but raccoons also eat pet food and pose a major threat to pets like cats and small dogs. Wildlife control experts explain females may tear apart shingles or vents to get inside, and once inside, they can make nests by shredding up insulation, wiring, and other critical building components. Both males and females carry a host of parasites and other diseases, including rabies. These pests eat almost anything, so raccoons may even damage vegetable crops or fruit trees.