Bark Scorpions
What are bark scorpions?
Scorpions are a type of arachnid and belong to the same class as spiders, mites, and ticks. They are venomous, stinging pests that live throughout the United States. The most common species is the bark scorpion. Bark scorpions are nocturnal and range in length from 2.75 to 3 inches. They are light brown to brownish-yellow in color, have segmented bodies and tails, and have dark, lengthwise bands on their bodies. Bark scorpions also have distinctive elongated, thin pincers (pedipalps). At the end of their abdomen is a bulb-shaped, tail-like structure (telson). It contains venom glands and has a sharp, curved stinger on its end.
Are bark scorpions dangerous?
Bark scorpions are considered dangerous. In fact, they are the most dangerous species of scorpion living in the United States. The venom that is delivered through the stinger found at the end of its “tail” is strong enough to cause serious health concerns. Depending on the amount of venom delivered, a sting from a bark scorpion does have the potential to be lethal, especially for children, the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, and small pets. Care should always be taken around scorpions. The good news, however, is that bark scorpions aren’t aggressive, and they usually try to stay hidden and out of sight of people.
Why do I have a bark scorpion problem?
Bark scorpions are on your property because it is providing them with ample hiding and burrowing spots. They are also thriving on your property because it is providing them with sufficient water sources. Bark scorpions can survive without food for weeks or months, but they require a constant source of water. Scorpions are predators and feed on a variety of insects, spiders, and other scorpions. Properties with large insect populations are attractive to bark scorpions.
Where will I find bark scorpions?
Bark scorpions prefer to live outside creating burrows in the cool, moist soil underneath rocks, logs, fallen trees, behind tree bark, in wood piles, and in piles of debris. If the weather outside becomes too hot and dry for them to live comfortably, they will move inside homes and other buildings. They are excellent climbers and easily scale rough surfaces like trees and walls.
Bark scorpions find their way inside through openings in a home’s foundation and exterior walls, through openings found around windows and doors, and through torn screens. Inside, scorpions are usually found living in dark, secluded areas, such as in basements, laundry rooms, bathrooms, behind wall voids, in closets, and in crawlspaces.
How can I prevent bark scorpions in the future?
Put into place the following preventative measures to minimize future issues with dangerous bark scorpions:
Caulk gaps around exterior windows and doors.
Place door sweeps on exterior doors.
Seal cracks and crevices in your home’s foundation.
Remove piles of debris and fallen trees from your yard.
Keep a barrier between mulch and your home’s foundation.
Inside your home, keep storage areas organized and clutter-free.

What are scorpions?
Scorpions are relatives of spiders, mites, and ticks. Scorpions are predators that feed on a variety of insects and spiders. Striped bark scorpions are one of the most common species of scorpion that invade homes in our area.
Striped bark scorpions are the most common and widespread scorpions living. Adults are light brown to brownish-yellow in color. They have two broad, dark, lengthwise bands on the surface of the abdomen. They also have a dark triangular shape on the front portion of their head. Bark scorpions use their pincers to capture and hold onto their prey. At the end of the abdomen, they have a telson – a bulb-shaped, tail-like structure. The telson contains venom glands and a sharp, curved stinger on its end that delivers the venom they use to paralyze their prey. The tail is longer in the males than the females.
Are scorpions dangerous?
Scorpions are venomous and have the potential to be a danger to people. A sting from a scorpion is extremely painful and, like a bee sting, can cause localized swelling and an intense burning sensation. Their venom is strong enough to trigger serious allergic reactions in some. Great care should always be taken around any type of scorpion.
Why do I have a scorpion problem?
If scorpions have become a problem in or around your structure it is likely because living conditions on your property are suitable to their needs. Striped bark scorpions are attracted to trees, walls, and objects with rough surfaces, and they are excellent climbers. Properties with a lot of insect activity are also very attractive to scorpions. Once on your property, they will eventually find their way inside while out foraging for food.
Where will I find scorpions?
Scorpions are found living outside in the cool, moist soil underneath of rocks, logs, fallen trees, and piles of organic debris. However, if the weather outside becomes too hot and dry for them to live comfortably, they will actively move inside of temperature controlled homes.

Peppermint Oil and Spiders: Know the Facts
Does peppermint oil work?
Although mostly harmless, spiders can be a nuisance in the home. Many people find these eight-legged creatures creepy. Some can even be poisonous. If you’re someone who shrieks when you see spiders, you may want to try peppermint oil to get rid of them. Peppermint oil is considered to be a natural insecticide. Spiders, although not technically insects, seem to hate it.
What the research says
There’s not much scientific research proving that peppermint oil repels or kills spiders. Most commercial pest-control companies dispute claims that essential oils work as natural insecticides. Still, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence for peppermint oil getting rid of arachnids.
It’s unclear why spiders steer clear of peppermint oil and other essential oils. One theory is that they dislike strong odors. Because spiders smell and taste with their legs, they may avoid crawling through fragrant oils. Another theory has to do with the monoterpenoids found in essential oils. Almost all essential oils contain them to some degree.
How to use peppermint oil to repel spiders
To make a spider-repellent spray, place about five drops of peppermint oil in a 16-ounce spray bottle. Fill the bottle with water, add a shot of dish soap, and shake the mixture well. Apply the spray around doors and windows, around the outside perimeter of your home, and in any dark corner where spiders may be hiding.
You’ll have to apply spider-repellent spray more often than conventional insecticides. Try applying once a week at first. If the spiders reappear before the week is up, try spraying every few days. Placing peppermint plants in strategic places inside and outside your home may also help repel spiders. You can also try sprinkling peppermint leaves in places overrun by spiders.

Scorpion Sting
What Facts Should I Know About Scorpion Stings?
What Are Scorpions?
Scorpions are a member of the Arachnida class and are closely related to spiders, ticks, and mites.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Scoripion Sting?
Scorpion stings are painful, and they can be fatal, especially children. Scorpions may sting more than once. The stinger, located at the end of the tail segment is usually not lost or left in the person’s tissue after a sting.
Where Do Scorpions Hide?
Scorpions hunt at night and hide along rocks or trees during the days. Homes built in arid or desert regions commonly have scorpions in them. In 2015, there were reports of airline passenger(s) being stung in flight. The planes were landed before reaching their destinations to rid the aircraft of the scorpion(s).
Are Scorpion Stings Serious? Can You Die from One (Are they Fatal)?
Most scorpions are harmless and accidental. Although about 2000 species exist, only about 25-40 species can deliver enough venom to cause serious or lethal damage to humans. One of the more venomous or potentially dangerous species, especially for infants, young children, and the elderly in the United States is Centruroides exilicauda or bark scorpion.
What Do Scorpions Look Like (Pictures)? How Big and What Color Are They?
Scorpions have two pincers, 8 legs and an elongated body with a tail composed of segments; they range in length from about 9 to 21 cm. Some scorpions are smaller and more translucent and difficult to see. They may appear as a thin string on the ground. The last tail segment contains the stinger (also termed a telson) that transmits a toxin to the person who has been stung.

dangerous desert denizens you don’t want in your home
Remember those perfect Valley weekend afternoons back in April? T-shirt and sandals weather. Everybody up north was getting pelted by hail and doused by torrential rains. You were giggling on the patio.
This was why you moved here.
Over the eons, this was also why all of our many beautiful palo verde trees, yuccas and cactuses made their homes here. Alas, our abundant and diverse plant life naturally led to a spectacular universe of creepy-crawly life
And that’s why scorpions, spiders and other venomous monsters of the Valley are as ornery as you are right now. They’re not fond of 115-degree days, either. They want to cool off. And, unfortunately, they might do that on your patch of lawn in the backyard, in your garage or — God forbid — in the dark corners of your child’s bedroom closet.
Ancient desert peoples looked up to the night sky and were awed by the constellation Scorpius. Scorpio is the astrological sign for those born from Oct. 23 to Nov. 21. It’s safe to say that we’ve been alternately fascinated and terrified by the creature with the nasty venomous tail for a long time.
Yellowish in color, bark scorpions are small, about 2-3 inches in length, and very slender. They are predators who use their highly toxic venom to paralyze insects, and sometimes other scorpions.